“The Heartwarming Tale of a Pregnant Dog Rescued at our Shelter: Delivers 14 Adorable Puppies”

Instituto Amor em Patas (IAPA) discovered a poor dog who was in a weak condition, unable to stand on her own. She was extremely frightened and it took some time for the IAPA staff to soothe her nerves. Sadly, her owner abandoned her because the dog was too scared about the arrival of her upcoming litter of puppies.

9 Weeks Pregnant Mama Dog Abandoned on The Street, She Immediately Went  Into Labor & Gave Birth - YouTube

Upon encountering the shelter volunteers, she was initially quite wary and focused on shielding her mother from any potential harm. However, as time passed, she gradually let down her guard and became more open and friendly towards them. According to one of the volunteers, her swollen belly suggests that she may be carrying as many as 13 or 14 babies, and given her weakened state, they plan to schedule a medical examination for her as soon as possible.

Pregnant Mama Dog Abandoned In Front of Shelter Is Now A Mother Of 14  Puppies

“We’re in for a marathon tonight as Natajuli’s ultrasound is scheduled to make sure everything’s alright. She’s back at the shelter with the necessary help for the delivery of her children, and we’re happy to report that the first one is a healthy baby boy shining with potential.”

Pregnant Mama Dog Abandoned In Front of Shelter Is Now A Mother Of 14  Puppies

How many puppies do you see in the picture? Well, there are 14 of them! Natajuli, the proud mama, recently gave birth to this litter of little furballs. They all went for a quick vet check-up, ultrasound, and blood tests, and Natajuli seems to be doing well. Her babies are all healthy and chubby, with some serious heft to them. It’s hard not to fall in love with these adorable pups – seeing them all snuggled up together is enough to make anyone want to give them a smooch!

Oops! I completely forgot to give names to these 14 adorable little things. It seems like quite a challenge to come up with the perfect names for each of them. If you have any suggestions, feel free to share them in the comments below! I would love to hear the names you adore.

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