“A Pawsitively Inspiring Story: Woman’s Kindness Brings Hope to a Drenched Pup with an Unexpected Collar”

Audra Petraškienė, hailing from Lithuania, was left stunned after witnessing a horrific scene. However, her presence at the moment proved to be a blessing in disguise as she was able to rescue a dog’s life.

While driving near a river, Audra came across a poor dog who was shivering and soaked in water. What made the situation even worse was the fact that someone had tied a metal weight to the dog’s neck. Without hesitation, Audra quickly sprang into action to offer assistance to the distressed animal.

A dog named Toriuk was found with a makeshift anchor tied around his neck after being thrown into a river. Despite this cruel act, the brave pup managed to swim back to the river bank unharmed. Audra immediately took Toriuk to the vet, who confirmed that the weight of the anchor was a shocking thirteen pounds!

An inquiry has been initiated by the police department regarding Toriuk. The owner of the dog informed the authorities that his pet had gone missing for quite some time. He also suspected that his neighbor may have been involved in the disappearance of the animal.

Fortunately, the neighbor of Toriuk’s owner has been apprehended by authorities and is currently undergoing a trial to determine his guilt. We can only hope that justice will be served appropriately if he is found guilty. Meanwhile, Toriuk has been reunited with his rightful owner and has received the necessary medical attention. You can witness this heartwarming reunion by watching the video provided below.

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